XBee AT Commands

This page is mainly about Series 1.

When talking directly to an XBee with a serial terminal, you can modify various parameters via AT commands. To enter command mode, send +++, not followed by a carriage return or line feed. The module will respond with OK[CR] after about a second. You can then send AT commands in the form of AT[CR/LF]. To read a value, send the command with no parameters. To set a value, send the command with the new value as the parameter. Each response from the module is followed by a carriage return.

Common values are the network identifier (ID), channel (CH), destination address (DH,DL), serial number/address (SH,DL), node number/customizable address (MY), and baud rate (BD). In the point-to-point scheme, only devices with the same network identifier will talk to each other. The channel specifies the actual radio channel to use. If the destination address is less than 0xFFFF, the XBee will look for another module with it's node number value set to that address. If it's equal to 0xFFFF, it will broadcast. If it's greater than 0xFFFF, it will look for a module with the serial number equal to that address.

For a full list of AT commands, see the datasheet.

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